Beechwood Primary School


Frequently Asked Question’s

We have tried to answer many of our frequently asked questions below.  However, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any unanswered questions/queries – we are here to HELP and will try our best to answer.

Holidays during term time

Holidays during term time are not encouraged and may not be authorised. If you need to take your child out of school during term time, you must seek permission from the Headteacher. Please ask for a ‘Request For Leave of Absence Form’ from the School Office. Download the form: Leave of Absence Form

Fruit and Milk

Fresh fruit is available for Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 children every day at morning break time. However, if you prefer to send in fruit or vegetables for your child at break time that is fine. Milk is also available to Foundation Stage during the afternoon.


Children are encouraged to drink plenty of water during the day and we have several water machines available throughout the school. Please provide your child with a water bottle for use in school on a daily basis.

Breakfast Club

We have a breakfast club at school, which is open from 7.45am until the children go into class at 8.40am. Included is a choice of breakfast: range of cereals, toast, yoghurts, fruit juices. Spaces are limited and are on a first come basis.

Registration and booking forms are available from the school office.


All children are expected to take part in PE lessons, unless they have an injury or have recently been very poorly. A letter of explanation must be sent to the class teacher if you do not want your child to take part in a PE lesson.

PE kit should be sent into school on a Monday and taken home on a Friday for washing, as the children are timetabled for two PE sessions per week.


We have a very active PTA who organise events and raise money for our school. If you would like to get involved with the PTA please contact the Chair by e-mail [email protected]. The PTA welcomes new members and look forward to hearing from you.

School Uniform

School Uniform can be purchased from the PTA shed in the playground and is ‘open for business’ on Wednesday after school until 3.30pm and Friday before school from 8.40am. Alternatively an order form can be completed with payment and the items picked up from the school office. PTA Order Forms are available from the school office.

Parent/Helper Volunteer in School

As a school we welcome and encourage parents/guardians to come into school to listen to children read and help in other ways within the classroom. We ask for a regular commitment from you before we complete a CRB check. We also ask you to sign a confidentiality agreement relating to school, its staff, children and other parties.

Please let your child’s teacher know if you would like to help.

School Trips

Educational school trips are arranged twice a year, for which voluntary donations are requested to cover the cost. Please be mindful however that if sufficient contributions are not received the trip will not go ahead. All contributions must be brought into school in a clearly labelled envelope/ purse.


No jewellery other that plain ear studs or watches are permitted. All earrings have to be removed for PE and swimming lessons.

Text Messaging

Included within Pupil Information/Admission Booklet is a text messaging slip for you to opt into the service offered by the school. Messages will be sent from time to time for reminders and general information.


We are happy to deal with any EMERGENCY messages that need to be passed onto your child. We would ask that these be kept to a minimum and request that your child’s after school collection arrangements are notified in writing to the class teacher.

Reading at Home

All children should have a school book bag, which is available to buy from the PTA shop and they should bring this bag into school on a daily basis. Children will have their books changed 3 times a week (if read) and they are expected to read every day for between 5 and 10 minutes to an adult.