Beechwood Primary School

Foundation Stage Blog – 16 May 2017

This week the Foundation Stage children have been learning about different cultures, beliefs and traditions. We talked about places of worship and festivals/ celebrations. The children listened to two parents talking about their religion and their beliefs. We would like to say a massive thank you to Fatima and Eli’s mums for giving up their time to talk to the children. We have been discussing the importance of respecting others and developing an understanding of how we are different from each other.

During Maths the children have recapped their understanding of finding one more and one less than a given number up to 20, coin recognition and making amounts using coins. The children enjoyed being given positional clues to draw a shape picture and then they had to give a partner positional instructions to create a picture/ pattern. We have been learning about estimating and the children were able to identify whether their estimate was more or less than the actual amount of objects.

The children were amazing during their first swimming lessons this week and it was fantastic to see so many happy, smiling children who are showing increasing confidence in the water.

Lastly the children have been reading words and identifying the ones which rhyme and then they were asked to think of their own words to rhyme with a given word e.g. cat.