Beechwood Primary School

Foundation Stage Blog- 28 April 2017

We have continued our journey into space this week and the children were fascinated to find out about our solar system.

  • We have been learning about the planets, the moon and the sun through looking at facts on the computer and in non-fiction books.
  • The children learnt about how the earth orbits the sun and how we are always spinning but they cannot feel it.
  • This has inspired some independent writing about ‘if an alien came to visit our planet’ and the children have been exploring the moon using shaving foam, glitter, moon rocks and alien lego figures.
  • We have watched a video about a real astronaut… Tim Peake and learnt about what life is like in space.
  • We talked about how our planet Earth is different to being in space and developed a basic understanding of gravity.

On Tuesday the children were visited by a road ranger called Lewis who taught the children all about how to keep safe near roads and how to cross the road safely.

  • The children learnt four key words and actions to help them when crossing the road (hand, stop, look and listen).
  • They listened to a story about road safety and met Lewis’ friend.

During Maths this week the children have demonstrated their understanding of addition using counting objects and number lines. They have recapped their previous knowledge of place value and what 2-digit numbers mean/ represent and looked at time (days of the week, months of the year, seasons, hours, minutes, seconds, time related vocabulary e.g. yesterday/ tomorrow).

Top Tip for the week:

When practising addition with your child at home here are some ideas:

  • Ask your child to create an addition using single digits (e.g. 5+2=) or write an addition for them to complete.
  • Using objects: Ask your child to count out the amount of objects for the first number and put them in a group, then ask your child to count out objects for the second number and put this in a different group. Push the groups of objects together and count how many to find the answer.
  • Using a number line: Alternatively if using a number line, circle the first number in the number sentence, jump on the amount for the second number and then circle the number you land on/ the answer. We hope to see the children doing lots of adding at home to consolidate their learning and develop their mathematical understanding further (see picture example).