Beechwood Primary School

Headteacher’s Blog – 18 January 2017

Hi everyone,

The term has got off to the usual hectic start as always and the clubs began this week. There is an excellent choice of 30 clubs this term for your children to access and I must thank my staff for offering their time to lead them and share their knowledge and talents with your children. Please do encourage your children to take part in these clubs.

It’s getting harder and harder to keep staff motivated in these difficult times. With the public services being stretched to breaking point, and what we are hearing about the prisons and hospitals currently is the same for schools where standards and pressures are making some of our best young talent turn away from the profession. Recruitment is hard and I would love the opportunity to speak to someone in government about this increasing problem, it has never been so bad in all my 40 years of service as a teacher and Head teacher (20 years).

At Beechwood, we can look forward to better times in the future as we build numbers and the challenge to appoint good quality teachers and support staff goes on. There is so much turbulence in the school system caused by shortages and pressure coming from government yet we must soldier on and make sure the children do not lose out.

Consistency of delivery is uppermost in our thoughts and with that behaviour and the reputation of the school in the wider community. As long as I remain in charge I will continue to put your children first and lobby for improved service and conditions despite the economic struggles our country funds itself in. Will write again soon.

Please note that had the snow come last week I would have kept the school open so that the children could have enjoyed building snowmen and throwing snowballs and that’s my answer to the adults calling for a “Snow day” alas the snow never materialised.

Gordon Davies

Head of Beechwood