Beechwood Primary School

Berkshire Panathlon Challenge

Beechwood provided the younger leaders (Year 5), for the Bekshire Panathlon Challenge, on Tuesday 7 June at Woodford Park. The children helped run a variety of events and event co-ordinator James Tinney commented. “They all did really well!”

Teaching assistant Sophie Rowse said: “We compete against able-bodied children all the time. It’s lovely to see them helping and interacting with people who are less able than them. They’re only in Year 5, so it’s quite a lot of responsibility for them, but they’ve dealt with it really well.”

Keira Hickey, one of Beechwood’s leaders on the day, reflected: “Today I learned that any person – big, small, blind or disabled – can do anything. Everybody was fabulous.”

All the children enjoyed the experience and were a great credit to the school. Well done everyone!

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