Beechwood Primary School

Foundation Stage Blog – 9 March 2018

The children have enthusiastically immersed themselves in our space topic and it has been wonderful to hear them sharing the information they have learnt about the planets, the phases of the moon and what it is like in space. On Monday the children learnt about star constellations and how joining stars together can make pictures. The children discussed the differences between day and night and the different events that occur during different parts of the day.  On Wednesday the children learnt that the aliens had returned and started to build the spaceship. The aliens had left a letter for the children asking them to make designs for their new rocket. During their independent learning the children were challenged to design their own rockets and it was wonderful to see some children labelling parts of their rocket. The children are making good progress during their super sentence writing sessions, where they have been learning about using finger spaces, full stops and capital letters when writing sentences. They are developing their ability to segment sounds in words, using their ‘Fred fingers’ and then blend them together. This week’s handwriting has focused on correctly forming the letters c, a, d, g.

This week’s Maths has focused on 2D and 3D shapes as well as addition and subtraction. On Monday the children revisited the names of 2D and 3D shapes and during an adult led activity the children went on a shape hunt around the Foundation Stage area, looking for 2D and 3D shapes. On Tuesday the children learnt about the concept of addition using an alien adding machine. They read a number sentence (e.g. 5+3=), then they put the first amount in the first tube (e.g. 5) and the other amount in the other tube (e.g. 3). Then the children had to open the aliens mouth and see how many objects it had eaten, lastly they recorded the answer to the addition by counting how many altogether. The children have enjoyed making their alien addition machines in school and it would be fantastic to see observations of them using their alien adding machines at home. On Wednesday the children looked at pictures of everyday objects and were challenged to identify and name the shapes they could see. After that the children worked with a partner to find a given shape within the Foundation Stage environment. On Friday the children talked about their routines and demonstrated their ability to sequence events.

During this week’s PSHE discussion the children have been talking about how they exercise and what happens to their body when they exercise. Many children were able to talk about the importance of exercise and it was lovely to hear the children talking about the various physical activities they enjoy participating in. The children continued these discussions on Thursday when they talked about healthy eating and how to look after their bodies. During this week’s PE the children ended their music and movement space journey. They listened to space themed music  to move in ways which showed the aliens space craft malfunctioning and the aliens having to leave the space craft.  Another highlight this week was when the children opened the outdoor sand pit for the first time! It was fantastic to see the children working together to remove the sand pit cover. The children have thoroughly enjoyed making cakes and sandcastles. During the week the children have been busy making a surprise for their mummies, we hope you like it.