Beechwood Primary School

Declarations of Interest

Information below details relevant business and pecuniary interests, trusteeships and governorships at other educational establishments/charities, personal relationships with the trust employees or other members/trustees/governors.

Name, date declared, declaration

Emma Caswell, 11/09/2023, None

Lester Dennis, 18/09/2023, None

John Ireland, 16/12/2023, None

Jeevan Kang, 19/09/2023, None

Gia Middleton, 20/09/2023, None

Anne Sankey, 22/09/2023, None

Richard Skegg, 18/09/2023, Bracknell Forest Council, Local Authority Business Relationship Manager (Education) from 01/01/2021

Ilaria Warren, 18/09/2023, None

Resigned in the last 12 months

Name (resignation date), date delcared, declaration

Jacques Theron, resigned 19/09/2023, 18/09/2023, None