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Uniform Guidance

Children have returned to school looking very smart in their uniform. At Beechwood we encourage the children to identify with their school community by the wearing of a simple, comfortable clothes and we hope they want to wear their Beechwood uniform with pride.

As we have begun a new academic year, may I take the opportunity to remind you of our school uniform guidelines:


WinterBlack pinafore dress/skirt /long black school trousers (not fashion trousers)

                 White polo shirt (FS & KS1), white shirt and school tie (KS2)

                 Burgundy School Sweatshirt/Sweatcardi (KS1)

                Knitted Jumper/ Cardigan (KS2)

                Black socks or tights

                Black school shoes (not boots or trainers). Low heeled – up to 3m

Summer: Optional black shorts.

                    Red/white check dress with white socks

Book Bag with or without shoulder strap

PE and Games:

Summer and Indoor:  Black Shorts (shadow stripe or plain), burgundy T-shirt with school logo, short white socks. 

Winter: Black Shorts (shadow stripe or plain), black tracksuit bottoms/tracksuit top 

(KS2).Trainers for outdoor  games (not pumps). Apparatus is performed barefoot.

All kit should be kept in a burgundy draw-string bag.

All uniform items with the Beechwood logo (underlined) are available to order online at School Trends (

School ties (KS2 only) are available to purchase from the school office. All other items (non logo) can be purchased from any shop which sells school uniform.

Plain, simple hair bands and ties should be worn by children during the school. Please ensure all clothing is clearly labelled with your child’s name so we can help them to be responsible and keep track of their own belongings as we already have a number of items in lost property.