Attendance Ladder
Regular school attendance is an extremely important part of giving children the best possible start in life. Equally important is that all children arrive on time. Registers are completed at 8.50am and children arriving after this time are recorded as late and will need to be signed in by their parent at the office.
If your child arrives at school later than 9.20am we are required to mark them as absent for that half day session and it is classed as an unauthorised absence. If a child is regularly late for school, a parent will be expected to attend a meeting to look at how punctuality can be improved.
Learning begins promptly at the start of the day and children miss vital learning if they are late to school. 10 minutes late each day equates to 6 days learning lost a year. 30 minutes late each equates to 18 days lost a year. Please try to ensure your child arrives at school on time each day.