If your child is absent from school due to illness
If your child is away from school because of illness please leave a message on the absence line – 0118 9695976 by 9.30am. On your child’s return, please send in a letter to confirm why and the dates that your child was absent.
Should your child develop sickness and/or diarrhea, it is really important that your child is kept away from school for 48 hours, to minimise infection. It is also important to notify the school should your child develop chicken pox, scarlet fever, measles, German measles or any other notifiable disease.
If your child has a medical appointment
Medical and Dental appointments should be made outside of school hours where possible, unless specialist hospital appointments have to be kept or it is a medical/dental emergency.
If your child has a medical appointment please notify the school office, please provide a copy of the appointment letter or appointment card (the office can help you by providing a photocopy if necessary). If the appointment has been made for the same morning, please telephone the school office.
When collecting your child for their appointment please come to the school office and your child will be collected from class. Can you please help us by ensuring that you leave plenty of time to collect your child as they may be out on the field or in the playground.
If your child needs to take medicine during the school day
Please complete a ‘Request for school to give Medication’ form, which is available from the school office.
Only medicines prescribed by a Doctor can be given to a child by a named medical officer. Medication will not be accepted in the school unless this form is completed in full and signed by the parent or legal guardian. In case of a reaction to medication, we will not accept medication unless the child has already received at least one dose at home.