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Welcome to Beechwood Primary School’s PTA, where parents and teachers volunteer their time and skills to support the school and our children.

Below are the core members of this team, there are also a number of parent helpers that support this team and its events.

Chair:  Jemma Martindale

Vice Chair:  Kate Christian

Vice Chair: Danielle Lambert

Secretary: Sarah Neighbour

Treasurer: Jenny Boxwell

Every parent is automatically a member of the PTA when your children first join Beechwood. You can choose to be as involved as your life permits.

Playing an active part in organising and helping out at events and fundraising is very rewarding as a parent. It can also be a very positive experience for your children to see you actively helping the school which they attend.

The money raised goes straight back into the school….from new play equipment to electronics.

Ideas and enthusiasm is what drives our PTA to work hard and raise as much money as they can! They have regular meetings to share thoughts and ideas for fundraising. Whether you’re new to the school or been with us for some time please do come along and join!

There is a separate Facebook page – Beechwood PTA Woodley. Please join to keep up-to-date with meetings, news and upcoming events!

The PTA are involved with the following activities during the school year

  • Sports Day Refreshments
  • School Disco’s
  • Summer Fayre
  • Sports Day
  • Leavers Party
  • 2nd Hand Uniform Sales
  • Fund Raising Activies for Pupils

We look forward to seeing you at future school events and PTA meetings .

If you require any information or have any suggestions regarding PTA events, or just want to talk to anyone please feel free to come and have a chat with any of us!

If you would be interested in joining the PTA or could just lend a few hours of your time to help out at future fundraising events, then please do not hesitate to contact the PTA at