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Our whole school attendance target is 96.5%. Regular attendance is of paramount importance in ensuring that all children have full access to the curriculum. Valuable learning time is lost when children are absent or late and there is a long-term impact if lateness becomes a habit.

We ask parents/guardian’s to notify the school on the first day of any absence either by phone, e-mail or letter. If a child does not arrive at school and we have received no message, concern about the child’s welfare will trigger a phone call home from the office.

Parents/guardians are requested to take annual holidays during the school breaks. In line with government initiatives, no holidays in term time will be authorised. 

Please help us to ensure your child receives the very best education by attending school regularly.

Absence during term time

The Department for Education has advised schools to only authorise leave of absence in ‘exceptional’ circumstances, hence Beechwood Primary School will not approve any absence in term time, except in such circumstances. The Headteacher will determine whether the reason given for requesting leave of absence is exceptional or not.  Please also note that there is no automatic right to take holidays in term time nor will your child/children’s overall attendance affect the Headteacher’s decision. Please ask for an ‘Application for Exceptional Leave of Absence’ from the School Office.

Attendance Strategy 2022-23

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Holidays in Term Time - Parent Information WBC

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