School Uniform
Beechwood Primary School children have an excellent reputation for looking smart in their uniform. We are proud of our children and hope that you will help us maintain this high standard as it is important that your child is dressed appropriately and smartly at all times.
Our school uniform:
All items underlined should have our school logo on and be purchased through our uniform supplier School Trends
- Long black trousers, white shirt/polo shirt (Foundation & Key Stage 1) white shirt and school tie (Key Stage 2).
- Burgundy school sweatshirt (Foundation & Key Stage 1) Burgundy school jumper (Key Stage 2).
- Black socks and school shoes (not boots or trainers).
- Summer: optional black shorts.
- Black pinafore dress/skirt/school trousers (not fashion trousers).
- White shirt/polo shirt (Foundation & Key Stage 1) white shirt and school tie (Key Stage 2).
- Burgundy school sweatcardi (Foundation & Key Stage 1) Burgundy school cardigan (Key Stage 2)
- Black socks or tights.
- Black school shoes (not boots or trainers), low heeled – up to 3cm.
- Summer: optional red/white check dress with white socks
PE and Games Kit
- Summer and Indoor: Black Shorts (shadow stripe or plain), burgundy t-shirt with school logo, short white socks.
- Winter: as above and black tracksuit bottoms, black tracksuit top.
- Trainers for outdoor games (not pumps). Apparatus is performed barefoot.
Swimming (Key Stage 2):
- Swimming hat, close fitting swimwear (lycra shorts for boys not Bermuda style shorts, swimming costume’s for girls not bikini’s)
Please note:
Book Bag with or without shoulder strap.
PE kit should be in school all week and only taken home at the weekend for washing. Please provide a named Beechwood drawstring bag in which your child can keep their PE Kit whilst at School.
Hair: Long hair (shoulder length or longer) must be tied back for all PE & Games Lessons. Hair accessories must be kept to a minimum.
Craft activities can be messy and, although we expect children to take reasonable care, you should provide your child, if asked, with an art apron (an old shirt with cut down sleeves would also be suitable).
Shoes should provide a good grip and fasten securely for the sake of the child’s safety in the playground. Trainers are NOT acceptable footwear at school other than for outdoor activities.
Jewellery should not be worn in school.
Earrings – Should your child have their ears pierced please ensure this procedure is carried out during the summer holidays when there is time for healing. If your child has earrings these are preferably removed before taking part in their PE lessons – this must be done by the child or at home before coming into school. If this is not possible please provide tape for your child to cover their earrings so that they are still able to take part in these lessons, this also must be done by the child or at home before coming into school. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter, as we want all children to fully participate in their PE lessons and on occasion representing their school.
Headscarves – should be black or burgundy
We are committed to supporting families with access to nearly new/pre-loved uniform items during the school year. This can be arranged by contacting the school office who will be happy to help.
Our policy
We are part of the Frays Academy Trust. This document is part of our Uniform Policy which sets out our approach to requiring a uniform for our schools that is of reasonable cost and offers the best value for money for parents and carers. It explains how we will avoid discrimination in line with our legal duties under the Equality Act 2010 and clarifies our expectations for school uniform. If you have any queries or wish to request adjustments to our policy on the grounds of equality, please contact the Headteacher, who will be happy to discuss this with you. Please also contact the Headteacher if financial hardship is preventing your family from complying with our policy, as we will take a mindful and considerate approach to resolving the situation with you. The policy is available on our website or from the school office on request.