Year 6: Useful Websites for Maths
Examples of SAT questions and can complete questions online and have automatically marked.
Interactive Maths games sorted into each area of maths (Shape & Space, Number etc) so you can pick/target the skills that you need more practise with.
A very comprehensive site listing key skills children in Year 6 should be able to do – also gives examples of a questions for each skill. If you want to join there is a fee, but a good overview of the breadth of skills and knowledge for parents to see.
A nice interactive revision site with fun activities for revision
A good website with clear instructions and facts to help children and parents understand topics. Each section has games, a clear explanation and a quiz at the end.
A Maths “Boot Camp”. 25 days ( 5 weeks) of maths activities and games. Split into sections such as addition/subtraction/Place Value with up to 20 links per topic. The links are t outside websites but this is a good collation of resources. Days 1-5 activities are free, days 6-25 are by subscription.
Games, advice and help, all written by a parent. A site with good section especially for parents about the new methods – it explains long division by chunking and grid multiplication along with number lines and other concepts that children patiently try to explain to parents! Plenty of games for children as well
A useful revision site using quizzes covering topics of maths from Year 3 to year 6. Ideal for lower ability learners to build confidence trying skills from all 3 years of primary. Gives a brief reminder of some key points at the start of each quiz.
A perfect mixed times tables game for anyone who loves penguins and times tables.
Good for parents as you can go through a mini lesson before each quiz with the children to see what they need to know/do.