Beechwood Primary School

Green Fingers…

Welcome to the year 3 and 4 (Lower KS2) blog.

seedsIn this area we will be giving you the highlights of the week to keep you up to date with what the children are getting up to.

This week year three and four have been getting green fingered. We have been investigating the conditions needed for seed germination. We are all hoping our investigations are a success and we learn what a seed needs to germinate.

Check out the following link at BBC Bitesize

snow whiteLinked to our up coming production of Snow White, we have started learning about play scripts in English. We are very pleased with the production to date but  the children desperately need to know all their lines by heart so please support your child with this.

It would be wonderful if you could also discuss with them how they can make their acting more dramatic!

Log in next week to find out more!