Beechwood Primary School

Foundation Stage Blog – 24 March 2017

The children have started to talk about Easter this week and listened to a story about Easter traditions. They showed great excitement when using beebots for the first time and input directions for the beebot to follow, using mathematical language.

During Maths this week the children have continued to develop their understanding of addition and subtraction. Some children have been applying this during their independent learning, which has been fantastic to see!

We have been busy making a surprise for our mummies and nanny’s, we hope you like it.

The children were excited about watching the Year 3/4 dress rehearsal of ‘The adventures of Super Stan’.

We have been writing about who is special to us and why as part of our golden book writing and it has been wonderful to see the children progressing with their writing abilities. They are starting to apply their phonic knowledge when making phonetically plausible spelling attempts and writing simple sentences. E.g. “My mummy hugs me.”

We ended the week with great excitement celebrating Red Nose Day, the children watched short videos about why we raise money for Red Nose Day and how fortunate they are.