Beechwood Primary School

Foundation Stage Blog – 30 June 2017

We have continued our ‘Under the Sea’ theme this week and the children have learnt about water pollution. We have been thinking about ways to save our environment during talks about recycling and some children chose to create their own eco-saving posters, which will be put on display in the classrooms as reminder to the children.

The children have developed their understanding of place value (tens and ones) and addition. We have also been ordering numbers from smallest to largest and largest to smallest.

During English the children have explored different types of writing linked to the under the sea theme, such as writing a list for going snorkelling, writing about a snorkelling adventure, thinking of descriptive words and putting them into sentences, writing rhyming sentences and writing captions.

On Thursday Miss Norman brought in her pet tortoise ‘Fluffy’ and the children enjoyed watching her move around the classroom and asked some fantastic questions about reptiles. After snack time some children were very engaged and excited when they were given the opportunity to touch and feed Fluffy.

Sports Day preparations have begun and the children have shown their competitive steak when racing against their peers, next week we will be practising the bean bag throw and obstacle course. Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school from Monday ready for Sports Day practises.