Beechwood Primary School

Foundation Stage Blog – 8 December 2017

On Monday the children were excited to be going on their first school outing to visit the local library! First they listened the librarian talking about what a library is and how to use a library, then the children were given time to explore the library and look at some books, lastly some children were helped to borrow a book from the library with their own library card.

The theme of The Little Red Hen has continued this week and it has been wonderful to see the children retelling the story with such enthusiasm. The children have shown that they can talk about the story setting, events and characters.

During Maths this week the children have been consolidating their previous learning about 2D shapes whilst being introduced to and exploring 3D shapes. Some of our Maths exploration activities this week have included: printing 2D shapes using 3D shapes, finding hidden 3D shapes in the sand tray, 3D shape bingo using pictures of real-life objects, making 3D shapes out of playdough, 3D shape sorting activity, drawing 2D shapes and copying shape names from a word mat, making 2D shape pictures, building models using 3D shapes and making 2D shape pictures on Geoboards using loom bands.

Amongst all of their learning the children have been busy practising for their Christmas production and they are very excited about performing to their parents next week.

Home learning activity idea:

  • Please practise your child’s Christmas play words at home and encourage them to use a big voice so that they will be heard on the day of the performance.
  • Go on a 3D and 2D shape hunt around the house. This will encourage your child to use mathematical names for ‘solid’ 3D and ‘flat’ 2D shapes and use mathematical terms to describe their features.